Specialized in Fiber Optic Data Communication

Code of Conduct

We feel that it is our duty to act responsibly towards our surroundings and fellow citizens locally as well as globally. To remind ourselves and others that we take our responsibility seriously, we have chosen to put it in writing.

2test Ltd. was founded on the belief that we, as a globally operating company, have an ethical obligation towards everyone in our area of influence, from our customers and employees to the environment and society.

Our ethical guidelines are our contribution to a sustainable development in our local community as well as globally.

We feel that it is our duty to be a good citizen of the world in all the countries we do business in, thus all employees, suppliers and partners are required to act accordingly. To us a good citizen of the world shows respect for the local community, the people whom it affects and the surrounding environment. We take our social responsibility seriously and to ensure the high standard, we make regular inspections of the working conditions of our overseas partners. Every inspection is our way of ensuring that the important social needs of every employee is met, such as health, safety, responsible salaries and employment, guidelines to prevent injuries, freedom of religion, union and handling of discrimination.

Locally, we feel that it is our social responsibility that our employees feel secure in their employment and we highly value their individual well being.

We make an ongoing effort to be environmentally friendly, thus we carefully monitor our supply chain to find areas where we could reduce our use of paper, waste or reprioritize the amount of shipments or find more sustainable transportation.

To our customers, our ethical guidelines, is their guaranty to always expect high quality products, made with social responsibility. All employees are throughout their employment obligated to always act professionally and handle every request with customer-service as a top-priority.

Our goal is to make our customers feel that we always live up to our high standards and we strive to be the best that we can every time.

Our founding idea is based on the UN Global Compact https://www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc.